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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Shame sense of philanthropy!


Oh!! A cyclone in Orissa! A tsunami in Tamil Nadu! How the brook has inundated their lives. I quickly donated some meagre amount of money through my office portal. Now, the company will be conducive of passing my benevolence to the unfortunates! WOW, what a sense of Philanthropy.

I am such a kind hearted person depicting my canine loyalty towards society. Just that,
 I never cared to know if my amount reached correct hands.
I never bothered to wonder what the actual needs of dying people there are.
I never thought of the sudden demise of their life and property!

Sacrifice, altruism, being ascetic comes in small acts straight from our heart rather than total abeyance.

Getting late for office, but made a point to get down, cross to reach the other side of road just to give a guava to a pauper kid and see him smile. That’s a sense of bliss and happiness.

Stopping your car only to let a bicycle wallah go first and seeing him feeling elated. That’s a sense of amiability.

Getting up at two in the midnight just to make sure if your grandma has draped her blanket cozily in this chilly, brittle winter. That’s a sense of altruism.

Damocles’ sword of deadline, but taking a moment to help a fresher sweating is way out to understand what needs to be done. That’s a sense of modesty.

Getting late for a much awaited party, only to feed your mum with garama garam chapattis, just the way she likes it. That’s a sense of unconditional love.

Understanding people. Understanding their grief. Understanding their forlornness. Understanding their desires and needs.
That is philanthropy. And not just ticking on a checkbox of donating 1 Re while making a payment of your new Fossil watch of 10k!

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