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Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Three Sisters!

The Three sisters!
What better bond,
Than a sister beside you.
Blessed here,
With three lovely sisters!

Sheoli , the elder one.
Simple and smart, says what she believes
With me at every hard step,
Let’s me do the wrong and tell me what is right.
Maturity at its peak!
Wisdom is what she speaks.

Surbhi, the similar one.
Charming and pretty, and charms the whole college.
With me at every fun step we take.
Similar tastes, similar thinking, similar feelings.
Togetherness is what I feel with you,
As, at times, silence says all between us.

Payal, the younger one.
Adoring and jolly, creativity at its height.
Care and help is what she gives ,
Talking of all the books we love.
Sharing our sorority bond.
True from heart,
Lights up the boredom of our room!

Blessed to meet you three!

Love you!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Fourth Fight- Fight with low confidence!

The Fourth Fight- Fight with low confidence!

So, this time I went as a strict teacher with a much disciplined mission in my mind! When she told me that low confidence was her problem, I got all charged up with a purpose to see! And I realized, wasn’t this my own problem at one point? This is generally the most common problem we find in every age group. The fear of speaking, the fear of being judged wrongly, the fear of ‘log kya sochenge and kahenge’ and the fear of being a non-conformist.
I realized that the more quickly a person overcomes this, the faster he can fare up in life. After all, making your presence felt is the most vital lesson our life has taught us ( in times of this cut throat world).  Earlier you start speaking your heart and head, better for your future endeavours.
So, I wasn’t taking this thing lightly. I searched the internet, talked to people and browsed books as how to boost your confidence. Because for me (in my past), it was not exercises and mentoring, but struggles that taught me to be confident. I thought this was my golden chance to make somebody’s life a little easy. I talked to a lot of people and they told me activities to do. I browsed through Abhyudaya library and took confidence building books. I surfed the internet and got hold of quite a few exercises and activities.

So, I met her at her home that day. The environment was as usual. Cool and calm, her mother rushing with a glass of water. I told Prachi about the agenda of the day and she was discombobulated.

  • Writing down our wish list- We did this together so as to maintain a normal decorum and she should feel uncomfortable about writing her weaknesses.
  •   Ponder on things- We read the page that we had written and discussed about it in depth. Obviously, for the things like these, there are no exact solutions. So we discussed and I told her the right way to approach things
  •   Beauty of books- It explained why we have low confidence. The fears in our lives restricts us to do what our heart says.
  • Write it down!- I asked her to write somewhere down about her wish list and read it daily. This will prompt her to take one step forward daily and fulfil her wish list.
  • Three questions exercise- This activity was told by my friend. Ask any one question from three different people who are strangers to you.

This meet was one of the most disorganized and confusing. It is very difficult to make her speak. I would read a simple sentence from the book but cannot judge if she was following it or not. I am sure things like personality development are not high on their agenda list, so I was not sure she was willing to listen and take up those activities. The way I had planned, it went all haywire. It got all dull and monotonous because of monologue. But, I didn’t lose heart and decided to take it up with more vigour and knowledge and more material to show her. May be some encouraging videos.

As Anil Vaidya Sir told us in Cohort meeting, life will be like this only, unstructured but simple! You would not know what will happen next despite of all you have planned. I got a hang of it today. And I decided to take it up understanding from her point of view.

The Third Sojourn- Isckon and Mahabharata!

The Third Sojourn- Isckon and Mahabharata!
30th Sept’2015.
1700 to 1900 hours

During our last two visits, we found our shared love for Mahabharata and Hindu mythology. And we decided that we should devote a meet on this. Listening to the stories that the other person has to tell (No matter how much and how many times you read about Hindu mythology and Mahabharata, the stories are never going to end). So, I was all packed with the different videos I had of ISCKON and the book of pictures related to Mahabharata. All those enchanting characters of Krishna, Kunti, Pandavas, Kauravas et al excited us a lot. We started with ISCKON and saw two videos.

v  Bhagvad Gita and its role in our lives today (modern lives) - This basically starts with Lord Krishna’s dialogue with Arjuna and relating every lesson with our world today. It was both a mix of learning and stories. It takes us back to the Kurukshetra battle ground and the battle scene is recreated!
v  Three forms of mankind- In this video, it had divided humans in three forms. The one who is all pure, the one who is in the middle doing good and doing right and last the one who does all badly. First one gets heaven, the second one gets reincarnation and the third one gets hell.

After that, we had the book of Mahabharata where we started discussing about our favorite stories. My favorite was one related to Bhishma Pitama. How he has taken the vow and abided by it till the end of his life. Though, I don’t support all his actions but the character is too magnificent in terms of his prowess and strengths. That I am almost lured to him as a super hero!

Her favorite story was the one where Arjuna is on the verge of backing out from the epic war and Lord Krishna comes in to tell the difference between Karma and Dharma!
The talk could have gone on and on. It was wonderful to discuss such profound subjects with children (especially of these days). She is in tenth class and such knowledge! WOW! She has read the Bhagvad Gita as well. She is practically my brother’s age but I have never had a talk with my brother other than Breaking Bad or EDM!
Also, I made sure that the topic is going on as a mythology, story and learning and do not take the tricky path of religion! It is a deadly trap and I made sure I don’t get into it.

His father was very happy that day! Of course, the topic is very well loved by parents.
As the days goes by, the family and Prachi herself is getting more close to me.
I have noticed that if there is a gap of more than a week, that flow of thoughts and companionship gets diminished. So, I made it a point today to meet every week to maintain that comfort level.

This was the first time she actually said (though I had observed this ago as well) that her self-confidence is low. She told that she wants to give an answer but is unable to do so! My agenda got clearer now. Building her self-confidence is on my priority list!


The Second Reflection!!

The Second Reflection!

26th July’ 2015


The session started as the last time. She came to pick me up and we traversed our way through those smelly by lanes. I notice how Prachi gets conscious because of the smell and the problem she thinks it might create for me. But, I try to keep it subtle and kept talking so that the bad of something doesn't affect the goodness of our relationship.
Last time we had decided to read. So, I was carrying an Encyclopedia, an interactive English grammar book and a novel by Agatha Christie. I let her see all the books and choose what she wanted to read.
In the meantime, her family came to meet me. This time, they stood there for a very long time and kept on watching what we were doing. I was in a dilemma. I didn’t like the constant pondering of her sister and father.
When we started reading, her sister sat with us and read along with us. Prachi decided to read the Encyclopedia. The images and details about Space, world, history etc. fascinated her. I thought her sister was also interested. But later she was just yawning and sitting which made me a little uncomfortable.
Things got interactive only after she left. We decided to read about the world and discuss it. I made her read and asked few things about it. She didn’t ask any question other than few English words.
We jot down few points that we thought we will google and then discuss about it. We also made plans for our next visit.
I was telling her about a light and sound show that is conducted at ISCKON in Delhi. It is philosophical in nature and explains about different aspects of life in association with Mahabharata and Bhagavat Gita. We decided that I will download that for her and we will watch that in our next session.
All in all, it started on a little uncomfortable note with eyes prying on me but ended on a sweet smile.

After all I realised that everyone wants to be sure that the children always get the right thing! May be , a parent in future even I will stand and look what is put in my kids' head! Its natural, protective and practical. I understood them! I understood my parents better today!        


That First Tryst - Abhyudhya Diary 1!

12th July’ 2015

The first tryst!
Walking down the lane, confused with the newly given task of mentoring a kid, I had not much in my mind as to what to teach to Prachi. My first meet with her @SPJIMR was nice and simple and I found that she was a very sincere student studying in class 10th. Fair complexion, sweet smile and a very polite composure. Her father was extremely thankful and happy. They both were looking forward the association.

 So, I met her near a restaurant where she came to take me to her house. Crossing the small by lanes of Mumbai chawls, I saw a different world out there. With small houses to waterlogged sides. To a garbage dump nearby to the coterie of ladies. Entered a small house which was like an amalgamation of a ground floor and a mezzanine floor. The ground floor was extremely small, like a size of a bathroom where I sat. Her mother came rushing with a glass of water. Both of them were wearing neat and clean clothes. I could sense that the family was extremely practical and wanted this bond also to be very constructive. I made it a point to make these sessions very fruitful and innovative for Prachi.
As we started, I talked about her studies, her plans for future.
She is an extremely hard working girl. Attends school daily which is followed by her tuitions of every subject. She wants to become a doctor and have plans to get admission in a Mumbai college itself. She didn't mind going outside Mumbai also, to which I was amazed since I thought that the family will be conservative. But parents with two daughters who were giving them the best they could speaks volume about their broad-mindedness and unorthodox thinking. I really respected the family.
For most of the session, we talked about her likes and dislikes to break that ice between us. We ended up having a snack together where I could feel that she is a little more comfortable with me than her first visit.
I wrote few pointers as to what her likings are so that our next session could be around those things.
The  tryst was simple but the view of the OTHER livelihood always sparks that light in me to do something more than just teaching and mentoring.


Sojourn to Book fair!

My sojourn to the International Book fair on the first day @ Pragati Maidan, on a chilly breezy day was full of topsy turvy experiences. Every section, perhaps, had its ups and downs. As, all saw the golden period brimming with book lovers, they also experienced the gloomy time of absolute abeyance.

Talking about the wonderful and beautifully crafted theme “Kathasagar”, it allured the children with its books with bright hues, animated pictures, lovely rhymes and good content. Situated at hall 1, a lot of options to captivate the mindset of a kid. Alas, I hardly saw kids rushing and shouting .The hall saw a lull throughout the day. Probably, it’s time for each and every one us to unveil the beauty of books to our kids. The collection of international books was diverse and well organized. From its journals to different variety of notebooks, there was much to explore.

Good point, the government had made very well disciplined arrangements. From systematic ticketing, proper frisking to ample food and the bus service till 8 had helped people a lot, especially the infirm and kids. They provided not even a slightest move for consternation.

Talking about Books! From century old to the newbies, draped in beautiful creative hues, from Urdu to Sanskrit, From Bonjour to Ohayō, from idioms to grammar, from John Grisham to Cecelia Ahern, from economy to governance, from India to the world, from engineering to mass communication, from one year old to the 90s, from LGBTs to the constitution, from IELTS to learn Italian, the book fair had all you can crave for!

Publications.. Some were missing, some were embellished. Amazon had a huge kindle theme, Harper Collins had extensive collection loved by all. Ratna Sagar, National Book trust boasted their Desi collections, Penguin, as always was tenacious for the crowds. The lovely pile of classics, from George Orwell’s 1984 to George Eliot’s Middlemarch were the must for a bibliophile. Scholastic, Diamond books had vast academic collection, Cambridge was all about the English stuff you missed about grammar and comprehension. However, Bloomsbury, Arrow, Wordsworth, Hachette, Collins were missed!

“Authors Corner” was a well-planned area to convene the book lovers with the authors but honestly, it failed to lure my slightest attention to that corner of the hall. Hopefully, it has more in the coming days. Ruskin Bond graced Ratna Sagar and was jolly being autographed by kids.

The experience was mind boggling and profligate. Watching the young, closely scrutinizing the books and actually setting aside a budget for the books was amazing. Way to go for the world of book lovers from a gamine, inchoate industry to the most precious and loved by the kids, young and old!

Shame sense of philanthropy!


Oh!! A cyclone in Orissa! A tsunami in Tamil Nadu! How the brook has inundated their lives. I quickly donated some meagre amount of money through my office portal. Now, the company will be conducive of passing my benevolence to the unfortunates! WOW, what a sense of Philanthropy.

I am such a kind hearted person depicting my canine loyalty towards society. Just that,
 I never cared to know if my amount reached correct hands.
I never bothered to wonder what the actual needs of dying people there are.
I never thought of the sudden demise of their life and property!

Sacrifice, altruism, being ascetic comes in small acts straight from our heart rather than total abeyance.

Getting late for office, but made a point to get down, cross to reach the other side of road just to give a guava to a pauper kid and see him smile. That’s a sense of bliss and happiness.

Stopping your car only to let a bicycle wallah go first and seeing him feeling elated. That’s a sense of amiability.

Getting up at two in the midnight just to make sure if your grandma has draped her blanket cozily in this chilly, brittle winter. That’s a sense of altruism.

Damocles’ sword of deadline, but taking a moment to help a fresher sweating is way out to understand what needs to be done. That’s a sense of modesty.

Getting late for a much awaited party, only to feed your mum with garama garam chapattis, just the way she likes it. That’s a sense of unconditional love.

Understanding people. Understanding their grief. Understanding their forlornness. Understanding their desires and needs.
That is philanthropy. And not just ticking on a checkbox of donating 1 Re while making a payment of your new Fossil watch of 10k!

See your country getting beautiful..

A lot has been said and done regarding abolition of castes and creed and et al.
Hindus and muslims conflict, Ayodhya blunder, Bodhy gaya bomb blasts on the negative side. Bilateral relationships, Hindu muslim unity, movies spreading love and amiability between the two on the pros side.

Daily, our avid readers read hundred of news of good and bad done.
Do this and don't do that.
I feel its high time to change the way we think!
Not the way we think about religion and hunduism and Muslims and castes and all that stuff.
The way we think about how to live a life with perfect tranquility devoid of perfidy.

Who cares, from whom womb you were born! Mind your own business.
Indians have to shed their habit of interfering in other's lives. He eats pig, you don't like, don't eat it. Why to make such a hue and  cry about it.
Mind your own life. Mind your own actions.
Strive more for the betterment of your own life and lifestyle.

They wear turban, they are minorities, they cannot cut hair, they do this and they don't do this.
why this has to bother you. He is not asking you to do anything.
Why you have to bother and make a mountain when its just a rat!

What peace and serenity we achieved by vandalizing a mosque and building a temple ? we still live in our house with the same salary with the same people!

Let bygone be bygones!
Don't put this caste and creed shit in front of people just to gather fame and attention for yourself.
Many politicians are infamous for it and are hated for generations!

Do small good so that at least few people remember you rather than a big bad that you are criticized for ages!!

Education!! One thing where I see all the difference coming in. You are educated, you will have  a different temperament towards life. Its not the complete solution. Nothing is a complete solution in this case. For a beautiful face, you just don't need a fair and lovely.. You would need a scrub and an anti marks and some moisturizer.. Ohk, this is not a how-to-be-beautiful article, but it is how-to-make-your-country beautiful!

Education is one of the key factors holding the strength to change orthodox thinking. When you will have enough on your plate, you will not look into others. No doubt, empty mind gives rise to all the bad,notorious thing you can play with. 

Get educated, get accustomed to do your hobbies, build relationships, mind your own life, do your work with utmost dedication and see your country getting beautiful!!

Pseudonym Poetess!

Life of a damsel has never been easy. Whether it is this century or this millennium. Whether she is a home maker or a working professional. Whether she is talented or just a docile housewife.

Mary Ann Evans, a leading novelists of the 19th century, despite of writing beautifully about the dilemmas of the heart, tribulations of being the inferior sex and the perils of this uncertain life, has adopted a pseudonym “George Elliot” , a male pen name to make her work be taken seriously in this patriarchal society.

In 1850, Evans began contributing to the “Westminster Review”, a leading journal for the philosophical radicals and later became its editor. She was now at the center of a literary circle through which she met George Henry Lewes. Lewes was married and their relationship caused a scandal. Eliot was immediately shunned by family and friends.

Lewes encouraged Evans to write. In 1856, she began ‘Sciences of Clerical Life’, stories about her native Warwickshire. Her first novel, ‘Adam Bede’, followed in 1859 and was a huge success. She used a pen name to ensure her works were taken seriously in an era when female authors were usually associated with romantic novels.

Her other novels include ‘The Mill on the floss’ in 1860, ‘Silas Marner’ in 1861, ‘Ramola’ in 1863, ‘Middlemarch’ in 1872 and ‘Daniel Deronda’ in 1876. The popularity of Evan’s (now Eliot) novels brought social acceptance, and Lewes and Evan’s home became a meeting place for writers and a breeding ground for the flow of literary creativity for the intellectuals.

Through all the adversities in life, absurdness of society, being shunned by your near ones, losing your entire identity, Mary Ann Evans has given all the women, a ray of hope of making your dreams come true no matter how bizarre this life seems to be!

My Dance Club!

MY Dance Club!

Dedicated to MY Dance Club …
Being a part of this club, I dedicate this to some Hyderabad SEZ Dance Club members embellishing their near to perfect dance moves and the happiness they have filled in my life….

You made my life cherish able and jovial…
You made my moments lively and magnanimous…
Gaurav, with your love for all you bring reading room alive..
Harshita, with your subtle tiny moves you grace 'Hawa hawai'
Ankit, redefining dance for all of us. Through your tutelage and patience we learnt..
Together we weep…
Together we smile…

You made that morning idli as five star buffet..
You made SRK's darr as comedy flick and our "BakWaas" group chat as our jargon..
Prachi, Madhuri could descend here and give you a high five!
Jeevan, whatever the song, we love the way you give your all.
Richa, Hamari I-know-all-the-songs-girl...
Together we see the radiance of sun..
Together we see the serenity of moon…

You made those meetings lovable night outs..
You made those theme preparations as felicitations..
Revanth, you dance like a smooth paint brush…
Megha, you imbue the room with sophistication and need for more…
Anusha, the one who can bring shame to guys through her moves…
Together we share our dance virtues..
Together we dream of hopes held high..

Parichay,Glitz, Road Safety Road Show, IMS, New Year,RCL al..
Tutting, krumping, six steps,dubstep.. we tried and tried…
Prarathana, Tujhe bhula diya made all of us forget everything in front of your grace..
Som, your silence made things come alive.. more dance , less talking…
ME, playing a small role in this beautiful club...
Together we learn to live in solace…
Together we love all with out malaise..

There is so much I want to write…
There is so much I want to express…
Not only Dance, I have inculcated…
But imbibed the best and different depositions from all of you…
The thought of leaving brings me goosebumps..
All of you will be cherished and loved all my life…
Love you all.. :)

Minding your language!

There is something that have been lingering on in my mind for quite a sometime now. The behavior , the language of people after they suddenly get a lot of money in their hands! The dollar rate has increased per rupee, and they have got unprecedented profits! They fail to see the slumbering economy and high inflation  because they seem they can afford everything no matter how high it goes..

Thats actually not the real agenda of my prose but it seems i can write about these filthy mindset of super rich people (obviously, not all).
I noticed how people talk to call centre agents. Your 50 bucks were deducted by vodafone wrongly and you go about shutting and screaming on the agent over the phone.

Understand People! The fact that they are working for a company as call centre people doesn't imply that they are under you. You cannot simply call and start shouting. There are policies and procedures you have to work around. 

Understand Call centre Agents! I think its high time, you guys stop saying "Pleasure serving you". Because you weren't serving us, you were merely doing your jobs in a good authentic manner. This "serving you" gives a feel of you under somebody who can go about screaming their little stupid things that you actually cannot do anything about..

Why do people don't respect call centre agents ? Because of the mere fact that they think that these people are under them and they can give them a call and vent out their grievances. The superiority in the mindset has caused this. You can afford s4 doesn't mean you can shout on Samsung call centre people. Kindly keep your rudeness at bay! It is not the call centre guy who water logged your phone. 

My humble request to the Trainers who train the call centre people. Be tough on facts and policies. High time , the consumers should realize that they are talking to people in an egalitarian society. They need talk with reverence! Call centre people are not liable for their problems. They are just intermediate between the company and consumers.

Change your tone. Just be professional. There is no need to be blurting out "sorry for the inconvenience caused" because you have not cause the inconvenience. Simple, "Sorry to hear about it, I will forward your request"

Its up to call centre people to carve your own niche with integrity and confidence. Be professional, be hard on policies and facts. Give solution to consumers but don't apologize for the mistakes that you haven't done.

Little Pleasures of Life- A poor child's view!

Little Pleasures of life

For them it is not about fine dining or even a three course meal,
It is about getting from somewhere a little loaf of bread.

For them it is not about sleeping on a nice feathered mattress,
It is about the end of a hard perilous day.

For them it is not about taking a hot water bath,
It is about getting ready for yet another day of tribulations.

For them it is not about making money and being content,
It is about forcefully driving an auto under the sun.

For them it is not about love and family,
It is a about saving your hands from scars for a being a girl.

For them it is not about hard work and dedication,
It is about getting money by hook or crook.

For them it is not about gaining education and being affluent,
It is about getting to know the little pleasures of life.

Shagun Maheshwari


This poem was written by me in 2013 at Infosys Hyderabad.
After teaching kids of 1st standard till 10th standard in a dilapidated government school where barren cold floor was their classroom, sun was their source of light, poverty was their friend and education their distant dream, I realised how these kids were still unacquainted with the larger things that life could unveil.

In an era of 20th century, where we are one of the most quickly growing economy, these kids still find peace in little pleasures of life. Sometimes, I sit back and think that what dramatic change EDUCATION can bring in the lives of kids and their families. What if their father was educated and pushed them towards education?

We had thus organised a fund raising at Infosys (and recited this poem as well J ) to help them un-marshal these knots in their lives. The response was immense and the awareness among people was excellent.
After this, we could start our Education initiative for four more government schools with immaculate dedication from people.

Hare Krsna!

Why this happens with me only? Why don’t I get what I deserve? What is the purpose of my life? Is God really there? Almighty, Higher power, Supreme powerful?

Many times in the course of our life span, we are stuck with these questions. We find ourselves not content with what life has given us. We are acquainted with the bitter truths of life thinking are friends and acquaintances are more happy, more affluent, more content and more blissful than us. We, in the worst phase of our life, feel depressed, dejected and devastated.

At this point of time, this book “KRSNA” comes to your rescue. Written by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swani Praphupada of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), this book narrates the story of the Supreme Personality of Godhead KRSNA. The book flows through the stream of 90 beautifully written chapters, each enlightening the soul with eternal powers of knowledge and bliss.

It not only gives insight of the life of Lord Krishna but also highlights the teachings of Srimad-Bhagvad Gita.

The best part of the book is the detailed description of the life of Lord Krishna and his opulence. Starting from the advent of Lord Krishna, one is engrossed in the story of various demigods and demons. The story of various demons like Kansa, Putana, Vatsasura, Bakasura, Aghasura, Dhenukasura, Pralambasura, Vyomasura etc. opens our mind towards the negative direction of life which yields just pain and sorrow. It teaches us the optimistic part of life bringing serenity and bliss. Thus, bringing us close to KRSNA.

On the other hand, the book depicts the eternal care between Mother Yasoda and KRSNA, unconditional love between Radharani and KRSNA, the bond of brothers between Balarama and KRSNA, the understanding talks between Devi Rukmini and KRSNA, the altruism between Sudhama and KRSNA, the reverence between Arjuna and KRSNA. Also, the detailed description of other facets of KRSNA’s life like the Rasa Dance, the Gopis, and the Queens married to KRSNA etc. takes your spiritual mind set to an altogether different platform where we find ourselves more content with our lives, more serene and blissful with the understanding of our small role in this huge and beautifully created world of KRSNA.

Reading this book is like taking one step ahead towards KRSNA!

“Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna
Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare”

Ignited minds- by APJ Abdul Kalam

Ignited minds- by APJ Abdul Kalam

“Ignited minds” takes you through the series explaining the inevitable things required for the nation to prosper. It inoculates immense patriotism and hard work we all need to undergo to see successful India.
Some positive points about the book:
1.     The best part of the book is that it is written based on the first-hand experiences faced by Dr Kalam, which makes us ponder that how many people are insanely working towards Shining India.
2.     He emphasises on the “YOUTH”. How, young can come and ease out India’s problems through sheer energy, hard work, altruism and young ideas. Just an impetus is required. Today’s youth have all the qualities to generate wealth and wisdom through his hard work rather than indulging in bribery and corruption. 
3.     The next best point (though not elaborated in too detail) is the missing of female entrepreneurs and leaders. I feel, personally, if all females start working towards the growth of India, it will gain them much respect (as against our current patriarchal society). The presence of females should be felt in all areas of development. It will bring reverence for the so-called-inferior-sex and development of the country if the working hands are doubled.
4.     The amalgamation of Education and Spirituality is VERY MUCH needed to supplant a spirit of defeat into a spirit of victory. It is only due to the lack of spirituality and conscience that people indulge being disloyal towards people and country, taking the form of bribery, nepotism and corruption. If people are strong headed and soft hearted, close to god they will always know what is right and wrong. They will not be swayed away by materialistic gains engaging in cheating.
5.     The core point is to cease the demarcation of urban-rural problem. Equality is the solution. Equal amenities, equal opportunities and equal quality of life I required. Our enemy is ‘poverty’
6.     At last, start dreaming of a prosper nation, intelligent and wise people and give your bit to make this dream come alive.
7.     Obviously, such a large population can do wonders which the whole world combined together cannot do.
The only revile I could point out was the detailed description of various satellites and missiles Dr Kalam has worked for. Not many people are aware, so it makes it boring at times.
Concluding, everybody please understand our small yet important role in bringing India to its highest level. Dream, be true, get yourself a role model which fives you impetus to move forward and contribute your bit to see this beautiful country moving towards prosperity and development.

For You!

For you!

Should i Thank you for the love…
i cannot measure..
Should i lay in vanity for your surrender….
i cannot judge…
Should i ponder on the gifts you endowed…
which i never approbate
Should i perceive as my win…
for the loss of the immense love….

My voice in the morning ….
My grace in the night….
My favourite and my dislikes…
its has been "my" always for you….

For you…
I turn to god….
Ask him for all the love and happiness…

For you…
I pray and kneel down…
To answer my questions of betrayal and desires…

For you…
I preach him…
To make you an eternal part of my life…

For you..
I beg him…
To take me out of this whirlwind of dishonesty…

At times I write about being with you….
At times I hate to be with you….
At times I see my life without you…
At times i perceive the void of life without you…

Right or Wrong…
Left or right…
D2 or D4….
I am unaware.. I am clue less…I am forlorn…

For you…
Only for you….
I pray for you….
Your happiness…
taking this time out.. this day …
to stop thinking of my adversities….

Carve a niche for you…
World trip for your parents…
Happiness for di…
Wiseness for Others…

God bless you…. 
I don't know how and when I will see you….

Admonishing you… Come and meet my daughter…
Teach her the diversity of life…
Teach her the power of Oneness..
Teach her the grace of hug…
Teach her the love of embrace…

Don't be my friend…
Don't be my Lover..

Be hers favourite uncle :)


A poem for a relationship which couldn't understand the complexities of life! Just Love!