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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

You want to know why ?

I am often faced with these words or situations where people ask me , why I write so negative and dark, why am I dealing with pessimistic vibes around me and why don't I take life in a more happy and carefree sense.

Well! I am a cheerful person but I do get serious with things where people are oppressed because of their inner conflicts with their own mind and the external conflicts that deal with society.

1. External conflicts- Its much more easy to explain. The boundaries for girls, the appropriate dress code, the ideal age of marriage, less earning than husband, dowry, the correct way of talking, looking pretty always and the list never ends for the 'Rules to be followed by woman'. Believe me, they are not written on the walls of any household, but I have experienced myself; If in a marriage a girl doesn't dress up to the mark, she is often treated insolently. On the other hand, 'men will be men'. They are thought to be so busy with the bread winning of household that they would always forget to shave their beards for months. And girls are thought to be so free that they suppose to wear all that is available in their dressing room drawer.

2. Inner conflicts- This is hard to explain. Why? Because it deals with how we feel. Can a guy experience the pain we have in periods or the pain we have during delivery of a child. The same way! Years and years of dialogues and talk engross upon girls the 'imposter syndrome' which is a subtle way of saying 'I cannot make it big', Become a teacher,or how will you handle your household.
Already 26, start looking for a guy.
Doing MBA, don't earn more than your husband.
Your husband also an MBA, you should probably drop that line as conflicts can arise.
Oh, you are girl. don't get into finance, try something in arts.
Don't be so demanding in your in-laws house.
Why you are wearing a skirt, wear once you are married.
You can wear whatever your husband is comfortable with.

Enough of this shit to make the world understand, that it is my life and not my husband's or my family's. What do you think happens with us every-time we listen a 'not-so-biased-yet-against-us' dialogue!

Let me quote this also- it is not only society who suppresses us, but also our mediocre attempts to get out of it! It might not be in every household, but that number is less than 0.5%.

All this seriousness, dawns upon me to write something meaningful and serious which might help me and a few other people to realise that we are of stronger mettle than you think!


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