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Sunday, April 2, 2017

When you fall for ‘not -your- dream-man’

Believe me, I am with a guy who is so opposite to my definition of my dream man! But I am very happy and very satisfied with my life right now! Why? I sat this morning and pondered upon how I am happy with the guy who is so different with what I want and is it sustainable in the long run?

I’ll tell you my observations and thoughts-

1.      We girls, at least I was, are inspired and ruled my Bollywood, movies, serials around us (the same way guys are inspired by porn when it comes to sex, I think). Our lives revolve around the imaginable Bollywood world- How we should look and what we should wear and how slim we should get, how to get attention and how much pampering you require from your dream man! I actually believed in the scenes where a girl will call her lover and he will rush to her arms!
My guy has made me think about this pampering and the practicality of it! It isn’t like he won’t do things for me, but he will do what is absolutely essential for me and what he feels like. It became imperative for me to come out of my dreamland. After all, what is love for me might not be love for him. I cannot push a person to express himself ‘My way’.

First lesson- Find love in the way he wants to love you. Don’t force your way of him. And we all know some things are important, just communicate!

2.      I was a person who used to get dependent on the other person a lot for my needs (and sometimes it could be big and sometimes it could be small). To make a small stupid IVR call for me, to spend all nights with me, to understand all my views. Well, is it really who we would call ‘independent’ woman. It became essential for me to have an individual life and stop asking my guy for every other thing or support and the relationship pushed me a lot for this. Because it was practical and mature thing to do as well. Because we all need that space to let go of everything else and just be the way we want.

Second lesson- It is very important to find YOUR OWN life. I call it as Shagun’s FOUR square theory.

These are four integral parts of your life and it is very important to take care for everything separately. Take care of needs of your mother, but don’t forget about your ambitions and dreams also. Take care about your spouse but don’t forget your little me times.

3.      Last is one of the most important lessons I learnt. I was so used to get things my way and to be pampered the way I want, that I absolutely forgot to reciprocate. This guy asked me to do things and now everything works mutually and in tandem between us. We all know that youth/adults is not an age of unconditional love. You give and you take. And you need to understand what the other person wants.

Third lesson- Take some time out and ponder upon things that he want. Not just keep cribbing about the how much work we have to do both in office and house. After all, even a male sacrifices a lot of things to make a relationship fruitful. Understand what he does and what he wants in return. It is absolutely necessary to give!

I always tell my guy how much stability he brings in my life. He has taken me out of the unending romanticism and pampering I had been living with and expecting the same always. I am not quoting that pampering is bad, but one way and rigid pampering is bad. We all need to find love in small things that the other person does for us. And don’t forget to do those small things for him too. Be confident about yourself and be happy with what you are! After all, confidence is sexier than a bikini!

May be this ‘dream man’ thing is all a farce! You just need common sense after all in love too!

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