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Sunday, April 23, 2017

​ Red market- the trading of body organs and flesh!

Red market- the trading of body organs and flesh!

Why body parts market is an alruistic market and not a trade market?
1. It started as a trade market but then the human tendency was to look for the cheapest source. People started taking organs from prisoners which was termed as a form of slavery because prisoners had no other option to earn money.
2. It was hence defined as an altruistic market or voluntary donation only. Also, called as exchange of gifts or Blood socialism
3. So, if very few exceptions, all countries selling of blood, body organs is FREE.

Why anonymity is maintained between acceptor and donor?
1. So that the acceptor doesn’t feel indebted to him all his life.
2. To protect the interests of the donor.

Drawback of voluntary donation and anonymity-
1. In the whole supply chain, everybody earns money except for the donor.
2. As more organs become available, doctors keep adding the list of transplant.
3. Anonymity has led to total lack of transparency and black market for organs as tracing of body organs is hardly possible.
4. It has led to just trade of flesh which the middlemen use for their profits. They generally force, kidnap poor people to give up their organs as it cannot be traced back.
5. This has led to things like kidney stealing, bone thieves, human trafficking (or adoption and surrogacy), detrimental health during egg donation.
6. anonymity means people can buy flesh without worrying where it came for. It could be detrimental for both acceptor and donor.

CONCLUSION- The only solution to resolving the red market-
1. Make it transparent so that people can be traced back
2. This will lead to abolition of trade market where middlemen inflict all atrocities on humans to earn profits.

Middlemen open the door to dangerous abuses. The only way to get rid of them is to let the sun shine and expose the whole supply chain from beginning to end. Every blood packet should be traceable, every kidney should be affixed with a name, every surrogate womb find able and every adoption open.

No one will be killed for his kidneys if we are able to track them down, no children will be kidnapped if adoptions are open, no blood sellers will be locked in rooms to create infinitesimal blood supply.

Why this will never end-
1. As innovation keeos happening, doctors keep adding more disesases which could be rectified through organ transplant. Hence, the demand will only keep increasing.
2. As in the oil market, more innovations keep happening in terms of petroleum products and so. Similarly, in the body market.

Some facts

Bones/Skeleton trading-
1. Skulls taken out of graves to be made as flutes
2. Bone factories in WB
3. Bodies sold as anatomical skeletons to american medical schools
4. Bhutanese Buddhism says to understand mortality, we need to spend time contemplating the dead bodies. They use flutes carved out of tibia and femurs and prayer bowls out of crowns of skulls
5. The ligaments are scraped and implanted to some Olympian athlete.
6. Hair on head are used to make wigs.
7. A child skeleton can fetch much more money as it illustrates transitional stages in osteological development.

Kidney Trading-

1. There is a village in TN afflicted with Tsunami. One of their bread earning methods was loss of one kidney. It is termed as 'KidneyVakkam' village.
2. The situation is worse in China. The government harvests the organs of prisoners who are on a death row.
3. They even have a catalog on their website for sale of kidneys, liver , lungs , heart and cornea.
4. Child trafficking in the name of child adoption
5. Children are kidnapped from their houses to be sold in the foreign markets for child adoption,
6. Lighter color, better appearance and good lifestyle can fetch you better amount.

Egg donation
1. While the course of egg donation, girls are often injected with a hormone that causes hyperstimulation syndrome in which follicles become enlarges and produces tomany eggs.
2. In one case, an Israeli doctor took 181 eggs for a donor.

1. Legalized in India in 2012 to promote medical tourism.
2. Indian women are preferred as they dont drink and smoke.
3. Charges are $15000-$20000 from in-vitro to delivery.
4. The women used as surrogates are made to live in a place where they are not allowed to go out. Television is their only source of entertainment.
5. However, there are no legal authority stating laws and ensuring the whole procedure is safe and legal.

1. People are taken captive for years and bled of blood. These are called as the blood factories.
2. The prisoners get too weak after the blood loss that they cannot even contemplate an escape.
3. The normal hemoglobin is around 14-18 grams for every 100 mls of blood. These prisoners usually have 4 gms.

Clinical trials
The poor bear the risk of testing drugs but only affluent receive the benefits of it.

Knowledge about body parts.

1. hemophiliac-body disorder where blood doesnt clot properly.

2. Ligaments- the tissue that connects the two nones or cartilages.

3. All muscles are tissues.

4. Cartilages are softer form of bones.

5. Brain aneurysm - A weakness in a blood vessel in the brain that balloons and fills with blood.

6. Regenerative medicine is a branch of translational research in tissue engineering and molecular biology which deals with the "process of replacing, engineering or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function". Like stem cell production


Surrogacy law in India

Stem cell production and it's uses

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