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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Don't look for relationship, look for that Bond!

When you get a space at my blog, you should know you mean A LOT to me!
Yes Gaurav Kumar Rawat!
We have seen together that life, that I believe is the most bizarre form of life!

But dude, the bond that we had formed together is unconditional!
You be seven oceans away from me, and I would still pray for the smile on your face (I hope, then you will have a better hairstyle).
It is sometimes , that I am unable to give any name to this relationship. Because I don't care in what form you are with me, be my brother, be my friend, be my confidante, whatever you want to name it, You are that special person in my life with whom the silence on the phone can tell me thousands stories (People will read this as a love story, but for us it is not! It is that like that special bond I have with my mother when she intrinsically know that I am hungry. Well, I am hungry right now!).

I thought I would write about our friendship and about how wonderful as a person you are on your birthday!
But, it seems my fingers are writing entirely different! I want to write about how pure a relationship can be! How just the presence in your life of somebody makes you feel secured. How, anything you say, any joke on anybody will not affect the core bond that we have!
That's why, I want to say to the world today, don't look for relationship with a person, look for that bond!

That bond, which will give you immense happiness when the other is happy!
Ant let me tell me you dear Rawat, I am very happy for you since you are happy!

And with all my heart,I wish you all this happiness in your future! (This deal is valid only if you keep disturbing me)!

Well, I do miss the times when we use to share things together, new knowledge, new music, new movies, new observations!! But, Abhi picture khatam nahi huyi hai dost! You can always ping me for anything you want to tell about your new DSLR, from aperture to focal length (but you know I don't give a damn though), but it feels good!...

I think I have made it too complex. Let me summarize it for you!
Its just that, its your birthday and I feel happy! :)

God Bless you and me !!
19th Aug '2015

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