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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why work will never be satisfying!

My generation is the generation of ever changing stuff and small attention spans.
New Netflix series every day , new restaurant every month, new songs, new cool techie gadgets, new applications, new phones, travelling to new places every 2 months. This is the generation of wandering minds that want to experience new things every day!

Now, how can you expect us to work - at same times, same place, with same people, and same work.

The ideas I get online - have a positive mindset, build your office nest, drink lots of water, do what you love and blah..
But even with my positive mindset, I just get bored sitting at the same desk for 40 hours a week.
Even with my office nest, I no longer feel like to talk about the same problems - of work and jams.
And what water can do, when even coffee fails!
And my work aligns to my passions, but then I still don’t want to do it every other day.

Bottom line - Anything that is same and follows a strict schedule will become monotonous for my generation.
Rule - Get rid of your schedules.

Going further, I am going to start few experiments on myself - change location (open spaces, café etc), change timings (sometimes morning, sometimes evenings), change how you do work (write instead of excel, ppt) . The idea is not to shun work but to make it different every day for my ever wandering mind!

Let's see if that helps!