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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

How Industrialization broke homes and created me!

Let's imagine a time when industrialization was not present.

Industrialization is termed to have started when steam engines came up which then started automotive, industries and schools for the required skill.

Let's imagine the world without schools, cars and industries.
When people used to learn the skills from their parents of the vocation they used to do. Till that time no schools were needed and a child would depend on his/her father to learn the skill he knew. Hence the bond and respect was something we might have never felt as well. Education is now about the most salary package giver .

When people had no quick modes to reach anywhere they want and hence their near and dear ones , their society was everything for them. The bond was less like neighbors and more like siblings. These days I don’t even know who lives next door.

When people used to do everything for their own people since they knew just a few people and their immediate family was just enough for them. Now, the youngsters today have apprehensions when it comes to marriage and half of them cannot take the burden of their old parents anymore.

When a person used to have time for himself to introspect and time to relax. Not like today when we want to leave the hustle bustle of city to find peace. When I have internet and WhatsApp and Netflix to divert my mind from my problems rather than face them.

When everything in nature was important. Sun and moon were the clocks for man, water and trees were the food for them. Now like today when the news of extinction of animals, cruelty to animals, global warming, meets for climate change always pops up on TV.

When the status of the person was more dependent on how compassionate and helpful he/she is. Not like today when you need to maintain your hashtag lists and iPhone coming in.  

When the work in the family was divided equally. If the person was a cloth weaver, the work would be divided equally among the parents and children. The joint effort made them a strong social unit. Now the male will go industry and does only "his" work. Everybody comes in their shifts and hardly a social unit or joint family effort is created.

When the full nineteenth century was talking about the need of individualism and the freedom of self and we ended up having nuclear families.

This is no discussion about individualism and collectivism.
We know the world is perfect only when everything is in balance. [Too much of anything , whether individualism or collectivism is harmful]
When you and me are at peace. When we are not in rush for work but have a leisure time to have a cup of tea in the morning with your spouse. When we are not in "me" mode and can selflessly help a colleague at work. When we don’t have targets to meet and can have the pleasure to spend a full evening in a social function. When I don’t have to think about my next day work and can sleep off after a good meditation for self.

I firmly believe in my four square theory. See your palm, and see the four corners. That is - Me, My society, My careers and My family. All four squares are important and necessary in life and should be in perfect balance.

Even as Buddhism quotes, the real happiness is "compassion for others and peace for us".
Well, different things work for different people in finding the peace. I hope and wish that everyone in this world find peace at his/her end.
What works for me is on line from the happiest country in the World - "Happiness never decreases by being shared".

Go and find what works for you!