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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Everything can grow! Dont make anything stagnant!

At the end na Nishant, to be successful in any domain, may be careers, lifelong friendship, marriage
1.   We need to think about it and analyze. Because everything keeps changing. Your relationship, your expectations, your career demands. If we don’t think about it gets stale and stagnant. Our expectations from each other are different from time to time.

2.      2.  Like career, you have to see that there is always a next step in a relationship. We need to do what is required at that time. Like on valentines, I had expected you to at least arrange a dinner (like you expected me to at least get the gift on time).

3.       3. To achieve everything, we need to push ourselves. Same for career and relationships. Like I tell how I had to drop down to Vyom’s level to make it work. And Nishant, it worked. I thought about his age and his likings and now I have a wonderful siblings bond with him.

4.       4. But frankly, the problem I have had with men is that they don’t think emotionally. Sushant told that 50000 salary is the criteria for our marriage. But thinking emotionally about it, it ruined our relationship because things had changed a lot between us. Things were stagnant and we needed a next step which never came.

5.       5. And there are men who think! And who are emotional! There is no problem in crying or being low. Because that’s what matter in our lives after all. Isn’t it?  

6.       6. Once in a while, think about things that matter to you so much! I don’t know what. Whatever they are? How are you going to achieve it, how are you going to make things happy and etc. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Think! Ten minutes a day!

People call me an over thinker. I think about that also and I don’t deny the allegation.
But the bigger sin would be to not to think about the stuff that matters or will matter in our lives. We live like ants. Just keep following the “fad”. We don’t think what and why things happen. We live in our small goals which hardly have any repercussions in the larger scheme of our lives or anybody’s lives. We shut our minds with the emotions that are deep inside us.

We don’t think about the hurt we cause to our parents
When we ill mouth them.

We don’t think about the cause of rape
But just want to change the clothes of women.

We don’t think about forlornness of our friends at times
We leave them when they need us the most

We don’t think about the pain it caused to our lover
When we cheated on them

We don’t think about the sorrow of the poor
But we blame them for the reservation quota.

We don’t think about the pain we cause to animals.
We rather give protection as the name of the games played with them.

We don’t think about the yearning our grandparents have
We would rather appoint an extra nurse for their care.

We don’t think about college as givers of knowledge and purpose
They are job giving machines for us

We don’t think about sex as the maker of love
But of satisfaction and dominance

We don’t think about the struggling unemployed man
But are happy with the overly priced personal care shopping.

We don’t think about the sacrifice our soldiers put in for us
But are happy to break a law here and there.

We don’t think about how we can make our country glorious
But are happy to praise the beauty of abroad.

We don't think about the hunger of that poor starving kid
But would rather waste a cake on someone's birthday.

There is so much that needs our attention!
Give ten minutes of your day daily!
Think what happened today. What went right and what went wrong.
Think what you did was frivolous in the larger life you will have.
Think about the small actions you could take for a perfect life of just not you but of people around you.

Think! Just for ten minutes a day!
And maybe could change somebody’s life for a better good. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Us! By David Nicholls

Emotions in every page!
A “classic book of differences” human have in perceiving the world around us.

It is a story of a couple with stark differences in thinking, careers and upbringing. All goes happy between them until their son is born.
The magic of the book for me was -  these differences were all too good and okay with the couple. But it started to take a toll on them when their son was born.

Repeatedly, they looked for something of “their” knowledge to be reflected in the son. The scientist father wanted his son to be amused by centrifuge and pipes. On the other hand, the artist mother was happy with the fact he loved taking pictures of nature!

Thinking now, I keep juggling between who is right and who is wrong. At times I thought that the father is perfectly correct in being practical and at other times he is insanely moron in proving the zenith of science!

The language is funny and descriptions of small things will make you laugh and be in awe of the author. It is a good medium-sized book of 400 pages, but it will give you emotions and something to think about on every page!
The key trick I summarised
At times, you have to forget your upbringing while you see your child grow!
How to keep up that fine line of practical science and emotional art?
It made me wonder how important it is to respect each other as a couple!

I have no clue about things like this, but I can see that Parenting is a difficult sport!

Though the end is too melodramatic and was hard for me to sink in! and i realised that it wasn't just after their son was born but it was along their whole lives.

Suddenly it just seemed the life of discontent for 22 years!
You love the person but you are not happy! for 22 years!!
May be, this is life!