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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Pravasi- The unclaimed baby of the country - 06th Jan'2015

Pravasi- The unclaimed baby of the country

This is no pros and cons arena. This is no why and why not conglomeration of the ideas. This is just a simple fact of life that people do exile from their countries and settle outside. After all, we believe in rational thinking and like God is one, Earth is one. We have demarcated it with our beliefs and hence we have every right to live anywhere.
People do leave their mother land. Some for money, some for the milieu. Some for harsh harangue of life and some to create harbinger of their dreams.

People talk a lot about patriotism, like they talk about religion. People are ready to die for their countries. But why does a country matter so much?
You contribute towards your nation, why this has been ingrained in our minds?
Earth is one. We can live wherever we find peace and happiness. Because life is about being happy no matter what the circumstances are. Life is about living it with full solace and comforting others with no attachments (I am going towards moksha now). But why? Why belonging to one country is so important. Why there are jokes in how I met your mother where Barney fears to be a Canadian? Because people are different in different countries and you don’t really relate to them? Because they wear weird attires, dances peculiarly, eats insane food and talk we-don’t-know-what?

People are different. Isn’t that why life is so full of surprises and makes us look forward to? If everybody would have loved burger, how would have pizza come into existence? Doesn’t the difference among people bring them closer? Everywhere you go, you find a different culture, a different way to live and love life.

Life is simple and merry. Life with the people you love and live with them who you don’t love! Religion, country, attachments, languages are just restricting you to love life to the fullest.

Be free. Be happy!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Divinity in Dilemma

Divinity in dilemma!
Sometimes I think, aren’t we better off without religion?
Let’s go with the conventional paraphernalia with which children are taught the importance of a certain subject. Why is it important, its advantages and necessity in our lives, its side effects.

Why Religion? Let’s ignore the ostensible stuff of higher supreme and follow what our ophthalmic and olfactory senses believe in. Since we cannot see, touch, smell god there is certainly no point in even making a harbinger of an altercation towards it. Let’s try to focus on how it came into existence, how the notion of religion beget. Fear is one thing that has kept humans on its knees. When the news of yet another rape pops up, we talk about more stringent laws. Because fear is what that keeps humans saner and maintains law and order. Embellishing our lives with a concept of god and karma makes us fear god and hence our actions are always thought twice before being taken. But, are we so callow that we need an imaginative creature to keep our actions checked? Can’t we actually study this along with our never useful concept of trajectory of a hyperbole and ellipse? So, point taken is – Religion was created to imbue fear in humans and maintain law and order. Also, we can be responsible enough to maintain law and order along with being atheist or agnostics.

Side effects-> An important theory says, around 80% of the mass killings, genocide, culpable homicide, riots, pogroms, mass rapes and other hedonistic practices are done under the name of religion ? Then why the world is taking so along to turn into being more rational than being more religious. How can a rape done under the name of religion be justified? No Amnesty Court of God can vindicate the action. 47 % of China’s population is non-religious and rationalists. Yet, it is one of the strongest economies in the world and we see no calamitous and catastrophic action being taken by God there.

Why cannot we all be rationalists, believing in right karma than right god? Do we always need a hand to embrace our finger and show us the right path? It will save us 80% of the killings done in the world. People will have no reason to vandalise public property and initiates pogroms. There will be no gloomy cases of honour killings. There will be no Vishwa Hindu Parishad wasting important resources of time and money in initiatives as “Ghar Wapsi”. The same resources can be put into “Ghar Ekta” instead. There will be no canvassing of votes under the name of religion and no accusations on the opposition of “hurting the religious sentiments”. There will be no mass partitions in any country which acted as a catalyst of still growing terrorists and insurgents. There will be no inequality of superiority and inferiority.

Give it a thought! What we have not seen might not be actually there. May be this world is better off without religion, but at the same time with more responsibilities on our shoulder for a serene place to live in where we ourselves our Gods of our own destinies.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Coast Guards of India - Jan 03rd' 2015

There are times in your life when reading a certain piece of news makes you ponder on it at a more intense level, a more emotional level that is close to your heart. So, i decided to pick up a news article each day that matters at a larger level of society (and not just the cliches topic, but extracting a deeper point from a simple news article) and write about it in a manner it affects me and you !

Coast Guards of India- NTRO- National Technical Research Organization which vehemently performed their responsibility of catching the suspected boat ferry coming from the Pakistan's territory and might have another 26/11 in their minds.

How does this really affect you and me ?
It affects us. Seeing how India has traverse her journey from being bogged down at 26/11 to successfully counteracting and destroying the enemies.
It makes us feel good about our motherland and inspires us to contribute more towards her rather than applying for Student visas abroad.
It shows how narrow minded some people are who said Why Mangalyaan when your population is still hungry. They could easily say, "why so much expense on defense when so majority of population is still defecating in open. First create toilets, then create ships". It gives us the understanding of the pessimistic people all around us and makes us think of larger-than-our-usual-cribbing-issues. Thinking big, can only help us achieving big!
This shows the next big successful leap India has achieved. and believe you and me have contributed to it. By our promise to our motherland to make it serene and peaceful. To still having amicable relations with all strata of society amidst the rabble rousers of conversion-and-reconversion!

Think simple-Think big-Your enemies will never bog you down! :)